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Why I Took CTE Computer Art

For such a long time I have loved to draw both traditionally and digitally. I have taken a regular art class before but when I found out there was a also digital arts class, I really wanted to take it. I am really glad to have taken this class because I now know much more than before about designing and know more about the program that I may work with in the future. I wish I had taken this class sooner but I am glad I was able to get in at the end.

Image by Michael Fenton
About Me: About Me


What have I learned In CTE Computer Art and how will I use what I have learned in the future?

So far in the CTE Computer Art class, I have learned a lot about Adobe Illustrator and how to use it. I now know what most of the buttons, tools, and tabs mean and what they are able to do. I understand the essential buttons or at least the ones I use most frequently such as the selection tools, the brush, the paint bucket, the hand tool, and the color scheme tab. Understanding Adobe will be incredibly helpful in the future especially in college when I will major in Art.


In my later endeavors, I hope that with the knowledge I have gained in this class will help me towards becoming an artist. I may not know what I want to be specifically yet, but I know that I want it to do with art. These classes will be really helpful for my future.

Image by Wesley Tingey
About Me: Text
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